Alliance Performance Coaching: Better Process Makes Better Practice

There’s an interesting video on YouTube featuring former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. In it Schmidt explains the benefits of having a coach. He tells the story of his early years as CEO when a board member suggested that he find one. Though Schmidt felt there was nothing wrong – he was the CEO, after all – he took the board member’s advice and began to work with a coach. As Schmidt explains in the video, a coach helps give perspective to things we are unable to see ourselves.

The same is true with alliances. Sometimes we get so busy in our daily lives we lose perspective on those things immediately around us: work environment, partnerships, methods, and systems. Alliance performance coaching allows us to improve on the things we do, especially in conjunction with others.

But how do you build the process that leads to better day-to-day practice? Just like with any solid relationship, it takes work.

Deliver bad news early. Surprises are only good if they’re pleasant. If you’ve let your alliance partner down or are about to, talk to them now – before you take the time to do further research. You’ll gain more respect.

Review the alliance on a regular, formal basis. It’s easy to let other things get in the way. But your relationship requires you to review how the alliance is working for both of you. Catch problems while they’re still small enough to deal with and capitalize on opportunities while they’re still new.

Give before you take. Keep in mind the concept of pay it forward. As in any relationship, if you give before you take, you place yourself in a much better position to win the loyalty and respect of others in the alliance.

Coaching enables us to discern our limitations, provides insights into being a better person and leader, and allows us to see from the outside in. Alliance performance coaching helps us build stronger relationships.

Let us help you take the steps toward building a better way of doing business. Contact 3rd Eagle today for more information.

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